Thursday 18 May 2017

Driving Worker Productivity: The Key to Secure Access and Automation


Try this New Prescription for Securing the Digital Workforce. Learn More >>

It can be challenging to both empower your users as well as maximize security and compliance - especially with the threat landscape growing and employee constantly on the move. So how can you keep track of your new agile workforce? Read this white paper to discover how RES ONE security solution can enable dynamic productivity for your workforce by taking a people-centric approach to governance and IAM.

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Employee lifecycles have become vastly more complex since workforces often include larger proportions of temporary employees, contractors, consultants and interns causing various IT challenges. Gain control by automating the delivery and provisioning of apps, content and services to all employees.

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Additional Resources

The Definitive Guide to Selecting the Right ADC

The Top 6 WAF Essentials to Achieve Application Security Efficacy