Thursday, 4 January 2018

The Next Big Thing

Wearable and Connected Devices

Hi Rupert,

We recently surveyed more than 230 companies across the globe, and one thing became clear—wearables and connected devices are The Next Big Thing.

It's the thing designers and developers are tinkering with on the weekends. It's the thing they're considering today as they create mobile apps. It's the thing they're most excited about and that they believe holds untold amounts of promise.Wearable and Connected Devices

It's also the thing that presents a few challenges (not that those are always a bad thing!).

To learn more about designers and developers really think regarding mobile (and we're talking honest, objective, and unfiltered feedback here), check out our report, "Wearables and Connected Devices: The Next Frontier in Cross-Platform Mobile Development".

Download now

All the best,

James Cutrer
Senior Director—Inside Sales
Phone: (512) 792 2866
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