Tuesday 27 March 2018

Announcing open registration for Next ’18

Save $500 off full-priced admission when you register for the flagship Google Cloud event.
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July 24‑26, 2018

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Moscone Center, San Francisco

Registration is now open.

Join thousands of executives, experts, and innovators to help shape the future of cloud technology.
Register now
Hi Rupert,

At Google Cloud Next ’18, you’ll get three full days to:

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Connect with fellow IT professionals, developers, engineers, and entrepreneurs
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Learn from experts during hundreds of breakout sessions, ranging from accessible machine learning to advances in security, and Google Chrome
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Take part in hands-on labs and on-site certification opportunities
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Get inspired by keynote sessions from cloud experts and industry leaders
Register now

We look forward to seeing you there,
The Google Cloud Team

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Get hands-on training with Google Cloud experts at our bootcamps on July 23 and July 27. When you register for Next ’18, you’ll receive a 20% discount off the regular price of each bootcamp.
