Saturday 24 March 2018

Weekend Read

ICYMI: How to make Windows go Linux with Cygwin

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Computerworld First Look

Mar 24, 2018
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The new social media imperative: Distance yourself

As Facebook just learned, a social network's reputation can sour in an instant. Here's how to save your own. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

ICYMI: How to make Windows go Linux with Cygwin

Video/Webcast: Mobius Partners | VMware

Accelerate Your Journey to Operational Excellence with Mobius Partners

Companies in every industry are seeking ways to be more efficient, effective, and productive. This allows you to adapt to shifting dynamics, such as keeping pace with the rate of technology change, balancing strategic priorities with new business requirements, and transforming traditional IT infrastructures. Read More

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ICYMI: How to make Windows go Linux with Cygwin

It gives you a Linux-like environment and access to thousands of Linux programs. Read More

White Paper: Ultrium LTO Consortium

Analyzing the Economic Value of LTO Tape for Long-term Data Retention

Discussed in this ESG analysis, LTO solutions offer the opportunity for organizations to drastically reduce cost of ownership and improve user productivity compared with disk-based alternatives. Read More

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AGENDA is the business leadership conference focused on driving your business forward in changing times. AGENDA18 will bring together more than 300 senior technology leaders and business stakeholders to share best practices, learn new techniques and engage in digital leadership training. Don't miss out: Register now

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