Saturday 31 March 2018

Weekend Read

Is wireless charging bad for your smartphone?

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Computerworld First Look

Mar 31, 2018
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Why email is the best social network

The #DeleteFacebook trend has users searching for a better social network. Guess what: You're soaking in it. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Is wireless charging bad for your smartphone?

White Paper: Sophos

A Coming Flood or a Distant Storm? The GDPR from a North American Perspective

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legislative framework valid across all the European Union (EU) states, replacing a patchwork of country-specific legislations. It is a law that is designed to strengthen the privacy and protect data for individuals across all the EU countries by requiring companies to adopt new data protection processes and controls. Read More

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Is wireless charging bad for your smartphone?

With Apple adopting wireless charging in the iPhone 8 and X, many users will be tempted to leave their phones on an inductive charging pad all day. Will that hurt the battery? Read More

eBook: Google

Chrome Enterprise Feature Overview

Cloud technology has revolutionized the way we work over the past ten years - transitioning us from being static, confined and tethered to open, infinite and anywhere. Read More

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