Wednesday 28 March 2018

Whaddya mean, 'Isn't it backed up?'

Failure to launch

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Computerworld Daily Shark

Mar 28, 2018

Whaddya mean, 'Isn't it backed up?'

It's the 1970s, and this student's grade depends on 5,000 mainframe punch cards in a tray, and the hands of the operator who will run the program. What could go wrong? Read More

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Failure to launch

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9 Common Myths About Enterprise Software Support

This eBook looks at some of the myths and pitfalls that may have dissuaded companies from actually making the move away from their original vendor, sacrificing significant savings and innovation opportunities in the process. We contrast these lingering doubts with the facts and realities, along with some practical guidance about the choices available to you. Read More

Failure to launch

This space agency is creating a next-generation digital library for a new satellite observation system at an even newer facility -- one that isn't quite debugged yet. Read More

eBook: Lookout

eBook: How to Buy an Enterprise Mobile Security Solution

Get the eBook "How to Buy an Enterprise Mobile Security Solution" to assist you throughout the process of managing a mobile security initiative, including guidance for every phase of a mobile security project from evaluating solutions to deployment. Read More

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